Ok here’s the scoop. I’m a card carrying Royalist, an old fashioned Brit that just loves the fact that the UK has a Royal Family and normally I don’t want hear a cross word said against them. Peeps who know me would (I think) concur that I have a good sense of humor, but I often loose that when the Windsor’s are thrown under the bus, until now!

I tried to show a bit of respect (and failed) by making the pictures a bit smaller but oh my word, these are just too good not to share! It’s my bro’s fault coz he forwarded these gems to me today. May the Queen Mum forgive me and not turn in her grave as I titter at her expense. Oh I feel awful putting these silly pics on the web but I just can’t help it coz they make me laugh. It will make me post again quickly, so I'll feel better-like I'm covering them up with a blankie!
I have emailed the link to your blog to the nice community of those obsessed with wanking over royal porn pix.
And by the look of kitchen motif in the background, the picture of the queen mum was obviously taken at her cabin in some West Virginia nudist getaway. Is that english trifle? Yummy! That is some lickable cleavage if you ask me!
As far as the first picture is concerned, I think Helen Mirren has taking her royal role a little to far.
See you in a few weeks....;)
You are in sooo much trouble...look even your mother can not find the words to put you in your place!!
There is a community of people wanking over royal porn that you know of Ely !!???
God love these great pics, I have also forwarded them on ... but not to a community of royal porn wankers (well i guess you never know!)
a soapy tit wank with the Queen Mum would not be out of the question with those knockers
... oooh Shaz you have really opened up the blog this time!
Ely: How very observant of you, somehow I missed the décor in both shots.
As for you knowing about the Royal porn wanking society….takes one to know one!
Nancy: My mother is only keeping quiet becasue she's still trying to figure out if her boobs are bigger than the QM's!
Meesh: I know it’s sacrilegious but your comments made it all worth while!
Sweet Jesus those are hot! Add one more fetish to the list.
Suggested caption for pictures:
Yes, there is a royal porn community. How do I know? The penis is a very versatile instrument and is capable of just about any endeavor--behind every perversion lurks a support group!
Meesh: "soapy tit wank"--what a great concept, let's start a support group!
You are ALL sick.....
WOW... just wow...
Thank God the excelent comments-otherwise I'd have been out there all alone with the naked Royals. And now if you'll excuse me I need to go & soap up my Tally-Ho's
"Che schifo!" said Carlo.
"Hee hee hee" said me.
I have some full-frontals of Prince Harry, if anyone wants to swap.
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