Kailua is just minutes away and the water is a mesmerizing blue that just invites you to play in it.
Spot the imposter!
Spot the imposter!
I don’t have many little people in my world so it was a treat to reconnect with Lehua. She’s a great kid, inquisitive, daring, smart, competitive and (refreshingly) feels like an eight year old. Not an 8 year old going on 15. I thought more than once this trip that it would be helpful if families had more than two parents, as always being the effective & conscious grown up is bloody hard work!
This was our football, volleyball, water polo ball, pool belly ball and egg that we hatched from our bums ball!
We packed a lot into a few days, Chef Mavro’s, speed, boogie boarding, night time and morning beach walks, Wynonna & the Honolulu Symphony, Chef Miller-Moynihans (killer grinds gents) Dim Sum, balloon art, cheating scrabble, and lots of great chat and laughs. It was great be back in the family bosom again and as always my sincere thanks for the abundance of experiences received. Until July........
This was our football, volleyball, water polo ball, pool belly ball and egg that we hatched from our bums ball!
We packed a lot into a few days, Chef Mavro’s, speed, boogie boarding, night time and morning beach walks, Wynonna & the Honolulu Symphony, Chef Miller-Moynihans (killer grinds gents) Dim Sum, balloon art, cheating scrabble, and lots of great chat and laughs. It was great be back in the family bosom again and as always my sincere thanks for the abundance of experiences received. Until July........
Looks like lots of fun! In the process of getting my girls motivated for another Hawaii excursion! This blog should do the trick! Thanks Sharon,
Hawaii costs money, I can live with the cost, but the other two are the responsible ones! When we went to Maui last year we had our airfares paid for, frequent flyers.
I scan the cheap airlines for fares nearly every day and check GP and Sharons Blogs to keep the flavour in my mouth.
We will be back!
Hey Lano,
if the girls you're talking about are those two in the photo you sent me, I'll be happy to throw a few bucks in as a contribution to their plane ticket... ;-)
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