Thursday, January 27, 2011

Color blind.

The Mexican people are not afraid of bright bold, primary colors. They go well with the warm strong sun and blue-green sea, infusing a subliminal message of pleasure into daily events.

Talking of blue-green....

Eating on these orange table cloths gave us a healthy glow even without the sun and mas cervezas.

Not a sombrero or pair of maracas in sight.

It was confusing walking into one shop and discovering the startling reality that it's actually three, as shop keepers magically appeared from behind their plates and bowls calling out 'Senorita, Senorita'!

Green peas.
I loved these chairs and have a vague memory of them being fashionable in the UK in the seventies, but now I'm fifty I can't remember shitze and could just be making that up.

The real market, where gringo's stick out like a sore thumb.

Ahhhhh, home sweet colorful home.


Sharon's Mum Anne said...

What a colourful post for a dull January day - you lightened my life (at my age it doesn't take much)!!!

I am still having a problem with acknowledging I have a daughter who is 50 years old - tell you what, let's not shout it from the rooftops!!

Anonymous said...

What is the name of your Mexican hotel? The view is just beautiful!

Sharon said...

Ma, here-here on that one (or is it hear-hear)?

Anon: Not a hotel, but a house we rented called Casa Espiritu in Zihuatanejo.

Sharon's Mum Anne said...

Hear-hear (as in listen-listen) not I'm on this spot-on this spot!!