Sunday, June 08, 2008

Fortunate one.

There’s a sweet bike ride from my house that only takes 40 minutes, however 25 of those are directly up hill so it’s a good cardio workout and a warm up for what ever else the day has in store. As I cycle past the old dairy (that is now a mushroom farm) I am anointed by the scent of eucalyptus trees and visually, as the green meadows stretch up to meet the blue skys atop Haleakala I momentarily forget I’m peddling. Sounds corny, but it's true.

On the way I pass these majestic beasts. You don’t see much topiary in Hawaii, so I’d love to meet the person who created this herd!

Exhbit A

In the afternoon I headed to the beach wiggled my toes in the sand and the foot straps. Late afternoon at the beach is the best, it' more serene and the light has a sparkly magical quailty to it
that makes all my appreciations and gratitude bubble to the surface, reminding me just how bloody lucky I am.
Exhibit B


Anonymous said...

Do the hedge and house belong to each other? The only knowledge I have of mushroom farming is a golf course near Selby which used to get the whiff of the manure gently drifting over the 12th tee when the wind was in the wrong direction. My God, it definitely cleared the tubes.

Mater x

Lano said...

I hear the guy that owns that house is a real fungi.

They have eucalypts in South Oz as well Sharon, spare room here when ever you want to explore!

Sharon said...

Mater; Hedge and House are separated by 6 minutes of cycling.

Lano; Isn't 'euc' the staple nosh of Koala's that makes them permanently high....?

Lano said...

The only high Koala'a are theones at the top of the tree.

Koala count in Lano backyard this year now 8....

Sharon said...

SHUT UP! Mate - that's not your average back yard sighting. Do you put a little dish out with Koala food for them (vegemite sarnies with the crusts cut off)?!

Dude- call in sick, get your camouflage on and grab us a pici!