Saturday, February 06, 2010

SUP Saturday.

For my birthday I was lucky enough to receive an HD Gopro camera and this weekend I finally got to take it for a spin.

In February, with a mill pond for an ocean there's only one glorious & exciting thing to do......whale watch.

It can be a little spooky out there, woah, what da fuk was that?!

From 1000 Peaks I paddled back toward the tunnel and toward a pod of three small whales that were gently going about their business. There were a couple of kayaks already enjoying the show and (in what I hopped was stealth mode) I snuck in to join them. Plumes if spray were accompanied by a breathy 'puffffffff ' and even when they went down into the inky sea, the trio surfaced in almost the same spot, seemingly in no hurry to swim away.

Untitled from Sharon on Vimeo.

Clearly I had the camera was mounted too low as you can't see the whale's backs or tails, but I'm on a learning curve and hope to improve while these amazing creatures are still in town.

Meanwhile on the way back I caught a few ripples.

It might only be small and frothy, but it's still a hell of a lot of fun :-)

As an aside, I drive a 1993 Ranger with more than 250,000 miles on it, so I'm starting to shop for a new/used vehicle. The deciding has to be able to easily transport 10ft of pure joy! Having test driven a Honda Element for 24 hrs last week, that top contender is officially out of the running as it's not big board friendly. Next......!


Sharon's Mum Anne said...

What fun to have a new toy - sadly it won't let me get into it! I appreciate it's something I'm doing but I'll keep trying. Grrrr.

Perhaps if you'd spoken up re. your requirement for a new truck your lovely friends would have all clubbed together?

Lovely verification word of MINGI!

Sharon said...

Oppps, my fault I forgot to change the privacy settings! The vid's a bit anticlimactic as I'm still figuring out the the editing process....but having fun with that too.

Lano said...
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Lano said...

Do F350's come as Hybrids?

Sharon's Mum Anne said...

Meant to comment on your pictures.
No.1 - good outline. No.2 - I see no ships. No.3 - I recognise that "I'm afraid" body language from your childhood. Nos. 4 & 5 - Sharon, queen of the seas with an oar that looks slightly too long!!

Unknown said...

Sue and I saw these big whales bubble net feeding when we were on our Alaskan cruise several years ago. They are magnificent creatures and as big as a school bus. Amazing.

I must say that you are looking amazingly fit as you approach the half century mark. It must be due to all the excercise and clean living(?).

Sharon's Mum Anne said...

Can you explain what a F350 is?

Lano said...

F350 =

Mchumbie said...

Ask a silly question, Anne.......

Sharon's Mum Anne said...

You know Mchumbie, you'd think I'd have more sense at my age!

Alexandra Rayburn said...

Nice pictures and video!
I think now, I want to go paddle tomorrow..