Tuesday, November 09, 2010


The Blasket Islands are a scenic half hour drive from Dingle and gobbsmackingly gorgeous.

The drive there isn't exactly dull either.

There's something on the planet for everyone, for some it's Vegas but for me it doesn't get any better than this.

Chilly, content and happy.

Even the sea has a Guinnessy head.

Talking of which, "How can we get a pint to go?" asked Giampaolo of the barman. The great thing about Ireland is that the chap didn't miss a beat & pulled a pint into a plastic glass. "But it might spill" said GP and hurried to the car, returning with his solution.


But I digress......

.....one last look.

Cheers from Team Ireland,


Sharon's Mum Anne said...

Gosh, the sea in that first picture looks soooooo cold. I wonder how Dingle is faring in our latest weather? Poor old Scarborough has had the Marine Drive closed because of the height of the waves. We can expect this until March - let joy be unconfined.

Sorry, I'm wittering on about the weather (we Brits do love to witter) love your pictures and the last one sums up everyone's enjoyment.

Unknown said...

Your pics of the Blasket Islands are National Geographic good. Really beautiful.